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5月21日 11:30-14:00


壁报展示信息一览表   5月21日 11:30-14:00
论文ID 壁报编号 作者 所属分类 题目
240 PO784 李晨天 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 3D Simulation of Knee Weight-bearing Views by Physics-informed Deep Registration of X-ray and MR Image pairs
336 PO785 廖华龙,杨玉洁,曾英等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于机器学习的维持性血液透析患者中肌少症的辅助诊断研究
458 PO786 徐汉友 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 It is imperative to set up laws and regulations for natural and free sports.
493 PO787 吴欢,乌日力格,徐洪丽等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Differential diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer based on an eXtreme gradient boosting algorithm
523 PO788 李铁强,肖翔 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 探讨PDCA、HFMEA、QCC在医疗器械管理中的优势
535 PO789 庞黎雨 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Machine Learning for Facial Expression in Schizophrenia: Towards Clues for Earlier Diagnosis Phase
646 PO790 杜宇慧,李博,牛菊等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 A Nearest Neighbor Propagation-based Partial Label Learning Method for Identifying Biotypes of Psychiatric Disorders
879 PO791 王远洋,王遵亮,张思佳等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Initiation timing prediction of fluid de-escalation for patients with sepsis using Extreme Gradient Boosting model
897 PO792 李承远,王遵亮,牛露等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Predicting timing of starting continuous renal replacement therapy for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury using LSTM network model
902 PO793 Yuzhuang Qian,孙啸,
S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Research on the stage recognition models of cervical cancer based on single nucleotide variation
908 PO794 王义元,赵文山 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 An End-to-End Seizure Prediction Method Using Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer
909 PO795 张得胜,赵文山 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Ensemble Feature Selection Method Using Similarity Measurement for EEG-Based Automatic Sleep Staging
913 PO796 邱精,夏清玲,王明月等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 A Preliminary Machine Learning Classification Study in Cancer Pain Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features
1234 PO797 陈达,杨超然,康雁 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于医学文献的TTTS知识图谱构建与应用
1514 PO798 黄艳群,陈卉 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Representation of time-varying and time-invariant EMR data and its application in modeling kidney failure prediction for heart failure patients
1540 PO799 牛昊天,张镭 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于机器学习的多维度IgA肾病病理预测模型构建
1656 PO800 钟舒婷 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于增强CT影像组学预测糖尿病状态下急性胰腺炎复发
1658 PO801 Zhong shuting S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Contrast-Enhanced CT-based Radiomics Feature Combined With Clinical Characteristics to Predict Post-Acute Pancreatitis Diabetes Mellitus
1976 PO802 杨丽清,陈琳 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于LSTM的老年人远程健康风险评估模型:L-HRA
2025 PO803 李一晨,陈卉 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于异构图表示的患者相似性度量方法及其应用
2040 PO804 杨天岳 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于增强CT影像组学预测急性胰腺炎后新发糖尿病
2056 PO805 郜斌宇,刘红蕾 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Enhancing Medical Text Representation for diagnosis prediction via knowledge infusion
2094 PO806 沈阳,韩彬,王梦艺等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 The relationship between common heavy metals in serum and metabolic syndrome analyzed based on machine learning in Wuhan, China
2151 PO807 张可,张静莎 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于步态参数的社区居住老年人跌倒风险评估模型研究
2317 PO808 于英涛 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于人工智能技术的康复器具在线监测平台设计
2379 PO809 张静莎,李增勇 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于LSTM多特征融合的脑卒中风险预测研究
2404 PO810 谭炳琪 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于sEMG信号运动意图特征优化研究
2435 PO811 周野,侯文生 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于下肢康复机器人训练参数预测模型的神经康复知识库设计
2451 PO812 秦石泽,黄小华 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 不同机器学习算法在预测高强度聚焦超声消融子宫肌瘤疗效中的应用
2532 PO813 袁一泽,王哲,杨啸林 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 支持尿液蛋白质组学数据注释的知识平台
2540 PO814 杨平,杨康,贾英杰等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于视频的重症患者运动智能监测系统
2858 PO815 尹秀平,仲凤行,张启明 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 中医可穿戴设备发展面临的挑战和对策
2868 PO816 张可,于文卓,贾菲等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 A review of Medical Artificial Intelligence Tort Liability
2881 PO817 张梦娇,张天桥 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 A weak supervised retinal OCT image microfocal detection system constructed by generating adversarial network
2925 PO818 魏国栋,章德云,耿世佳等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于深度有序回归的心脏年龄评估
3088 PO819 汪钰欣,陈泽涛,马帅等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 心肺复苏闭环反馈装置研究现状
3127 PO820 牛淑娴,陆可懿,巩涛等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于DTI的经前烦躁障碍症脑白质TBSS分析
3206 PO821 熊春燕,卢梦丽,于小烔等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Convex Dual Theory Analysis of Two-Layer Convolutional Neural Networks with Soft-Thresholding
3234 PO822 朱锦涛,陆飞,方路平等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 ST-GCNTrans: Gesture recognition with Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution and Transformer
3248 PO823 杨康,贾英杰,罗珺涵等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于视频的重症患者运动监测系统研究
3289 PO824 顾立锋,葛慧青,陆飞等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于连续机械通气波形的气道高阻力识别研究
3358 PO825 章灵伟,陆飞,方路平等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 Deep active learning for patient-ventilator asynchrony classification with a small dataset
3364 PO826 刘嘉林,张士杰,鲁雯等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 基于人工智能深度学习降低儿童CT检查辐射剂量的研究进展
3465 PO827 蔡冬丽,麦耀宗,陈梓钊等 S13-医学人工智能与智慧医疗分会场 On Hybrid Detection of Ballistocardiogram Signal Using Template Matching and Deep Learning
411 PO828 李东宇,奚望,钱骏等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Through-Intact-Skull window: a chronic skull optical clearing window for long-term cortical observation
468 PO829 刘柯良,顾忠泽 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 3D Printing Colloidal Crystal Microstructures for in situ Sensing of Organ-on-a-chip
723 PO830 刘小虎,陆锦玲 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Motion correction of laser speckle contrast imaging for Non-rigid moving tissue by Dual-wavelength imaging
724 PO831 祝璇,陆锦玲,李鹏程 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Optogenetics-based characterization of cerebral blood flow response during neuronal activation
798 PO832 白文星 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Wide-field diffuse optical tomography within a framework of single-pixel time-resolved spatial frequency domain imaging.
843 PO833 刘彦玲,朱键,翁国军等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 五边形金银合金多孔纳米管的横向等离激元共振吸收特性研究
946 PO834 赵晓君,刘广才,金锐等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 A partially interpretable Richardson-Lucy model-driven deconvolution framework
1041 PO835 张浩然,杨建龙,赵诗庆等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 面向光学相干层析影像自动分割的数据高效学习方法
1044 PO836 金子义,Xiaoyan Dong,Pengcheng Zhang等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Development of Automatic SERS system predicting malignancies of patient prostate tissues  by determining acidity nondestructively
1488 PO837 朱京谭,刘晓梅,俞婷婷等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 一种基于脂溶性染料水凝胶的新型整体血管标记方法
1531 PO838 陈键伟,刘广才,谢睿恒等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 单细胞分辨率三维可视化完整心脏精细结构
1564 PO839 但迈 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 SFD-DOT/DFT方法应用于黑色素瘤PDT在体测评的实验研究
1666 PO840 李艳茹,刘立新,王璘 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Ultraviolet Surface Excitation Fluorescence Fluctuation Image
1983 PO841 李怡燃,陈超凡,晋晓飞等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 基于荧光的小动物在体药物代谢监测系统的设计
2301 PO842 朱冠新,干智杰,黄彤宇等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 双偏振相机活细胞缪勒成像的图像降噪
2318 PO843 牛阔,田超 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 On the imaging depth limit of photoacoustic tomography in the visible and first near-infrared windows
2568 PO844 李耀 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 时间依赖光子统计光谱在单分子水平动态检测单线态氧
2635 PO845 蔡炳东,汪欣然,顾晓彤等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Characterization of cerebrovascular changes in mice treated with Arecoline by photoacoustic imaging
2681 PO846 姚悦,张丽娜,陈丽红等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Mueller matrix polarimetry for the quantitative characterization of fibrosis in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues
2791 PO847 郑思悦,万嘉晨,马辉 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Characterizing microstructural features in cells using Mueller matrix polarimetry technique
2910 PO848 万嘉晨,马辉 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 A multi-stage framework of unsupervised model for polarization feature extraction based on Mueller polarimetry
3052 PO849 杨天浩,李茜,王淼等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Circadian changes of meningeal lymphatic vessels drainage monitored by in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging
3271 PO850 陈思琦,刘志祥,刘广才等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Multi-samples mapping using large-scale single cell imaging with sequential post section staining and profiling
3303 PO851 宋雅慧,叶虹,王吉祥等 S14-生物医学光子学分会场 Research on polarization response of fluorescence dipoles in light-sheet microscopy imaging
1347 PO852 彭娜,王潇然,车楠等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 重塑髓源性抑制细胞的功能抑制实验性干燥综合征的机制研究
1400 PO853 赵雪琦,郭子琳,宋梦歌等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 近20年中医药诊治干燥综合征研究的知识图谱可视化分析
1480 PO854 忻悦,杨明,吴海竞 S15-免疫治疗分会场 AIM2调控Th17和Treg细胞分化在寻常型银屑病发病机制中的作用研究
1485 PO855 程增玉,唐晓颇 S15-免疫治疗分会场 基于核因子-κB受体活化因子受体/骨保护素探讨复方雷公藤外敷剂改善胶原诱导型关节炎大鼠骨破坏研究
1511 PO856 戴竹,冯嵩崴,司珂等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 嵌合抗原受体增强DC肿瘤疫苗致敏T细胞的抗肿瘤作用
1528 PO857 刘南波,朱平 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Construction of multifunctional hydrogel with metal-polyphenol capsules  for infected full-thickness skin wound healing
1562 PO858 廖晓玲,雷玲,霍旺等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Efficacy and safety of different Janus kinase inhibitors combined with methotrexate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: A single-center randomized trial
1607 PO859 王欢欢,史晓飞 S15-免疫治疗分会场 缺氧诱导因子-1α、血管内皮生长因子在结缔组织病相关肺动脉高压患者中的表达及意义
1619 PO860 汪胡燕,陈炘,杜燕等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 回顾性分析抗MDA5抗体阳性皮肌炎(MDA5+DM)患者的临床特征和危险因素
1627 PO861 戴瑶,马洁 S15-免疫治疗分会场 p53蛋白乳酸化促进结肠癌细胞的增殖和转移
1633 PO862 戴海燕,马洁 S15-免疫治疗分会场 乳酸通过组蛋白乳酸化调控CD38的表达从而促进MDSCs的免疫抑制功能
1679 PO863 崔大伟,王诗芬 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells: key immunosuppressive regulator and therapeutic target in hematological malignancies
1685 PO864 何庆玲 S15-免疫治疗分会场 C5a激活Akt1⁃ERK1/2通路促进NSCLC细胞的增殖和迁移
1708 PO865 叶俊娜,周卓超,游懿君等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 初发系统性红斑狼疮患者抗dsDNA IgG亚型的糖基化预测疾病活动度的研究
1709 PO866 周卓超,叶俊娜 S15-免疫治疗分会场 TAM抗体影响巨噬细胞功能在SLE致病机制中的研究
1718 PO867 曹灵,吕力为,邹和建等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 The anti-inflammatory and uric acid lowering effects of Si-Miao-San on gout
1774 PO868 凌珏,汤晓璇 S15-免疫治疗分会场 免疫增强光动力丝素水凝胶促进肿瘤术后伤口修复
1777 PO869 毛旭华 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Analysis of immune microenvironment and key gene mining in esophageal adenocarcinoma
1893 PO870 张士清,夏琳,苏兆亮 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Single-cell transcriptional profiling reveals immune cellular diversity and function in the mouse heart
2064 PO871 尹欢,周素清,吴海竞等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 局部外用表观遗传药物ACY-738对银屑病皮损的治疗探索
2148 PO872 王文博,钱宝梅,罗灿等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 NF-κB p65对IRF-8基因启动子活性的调控作用及其结合元件的初步鉴定
2160 PO873 王子恩,王令浩,孟晓雪等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 谷氨酰胺代谢改变介导前列腺癌神经内分泌型分化
2374 PO874 胡紫薇,陈余雪,蔡邵哲等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Efficacy of plasma exchange on top of standard immunosuppressive therapy in adult autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases-associated macrophage activation syndrome, a single center real-world analysis
2416 PO875 李腾,孟晓辉,陈泽川等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Single-cell analysis reveals functional heterogeneity of peripheral helper T cells in the synovium of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2447 PO876 刘龙山,张强,王长希 S15-免疫治疗分会场 低免疫风险儿童肾移植受者免疫诱导方案的疗效比较
2558 PO877 李哲,赵晓彤,邓茂森 S15-免疫治疗分会场 基于微孔介入的微创精准脑部给药治疗方法及装置
2609 PO878 接晶,杨鹏翔 S15-免疫治疗分会场 仿生多肽水凝胶支架用于CAR-T细胞快速增殖
2616 PO879 蔡明龙,秦贻,陈竹 S15-免疫治疗分会场 多组学联合研究揭示COX5A为狼疮疾病活动和器官受累的标志物
2626 PO880 接晶,杨鹏翔 S15-免疫治疗分会场 CD8+CAR-T细胞外囊泡用于乳腺癌15-免疫治疗分会场
2729 PO881 李茜,吴海竞,陈怡然 S15-免疫治疗分会场 限时进食法对银屑病发病的影响
2823 PO882 肖易克,史晓飞 S15-免疫治疗分会场 系统性红斑狼疮多次入院患者临床特点分析
2869 PO883 贾霈雯,潘婕,邹耀威等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 High prevalence of hypoalbuminemia in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis
3003 PO884 李国青,张勇斌,房宇轩等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 The causal effects of age at menarche, age at first live birth, and estradiol levels on systemic lupus erythematosus: a two-sample mendelian randomization analysis.
3011 PO885 吴舒圣,殷玉叶,王晓明 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Jmjd1c在浆细胞分化和类风湿性关节炎发病中的作用和机制研究
3044 PO886 王磊,高晋芳 S15-免疫治疗分会场 非传统合成DMARDs治疗类风湿关节炎的疗效预测指标
3125 PO887 袁诗雯,蔡小燕 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Aberrant phenotypes of circulating γδ-T cells may be involved in the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus, and Vδ2+ T cells are especially closely related to lupus nephritis
3135 PO888 郭容宏,温鸿雁 S15-免疫治疗分会场 脂联素在系统性硬化症中的研究进展
3158 PO889 罗宴冉,史晓飞 S15-免疫治疗分会场 皮肌炎与肺间质纤维化之间共享基因的研究
3219 PO890 张东东,米日班姑. 阿力甫,王丹丹 S15-免疫治疗分会场 Immune profiling analysis of double-negative T cells in patients with systemic sclerosis
3302 PO891 刘磊,薛静 S15-免疫治疗分会场 NET-borne elastase prevents inflammatory relapse in intercritical gout
3309 PO892 滕辉,陈斯佳,王婷玉 S15-免疫治疗分会场 MicroRNA-204/-211敲除加重DMM小鼠骨关节炎滑膜增生和滑膜炎症
3345 PO893 王菁华,孔秀芳,马莉莉等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 阿达木单抗与托珠单抗联合甲氨蝶呤和糖皮质激素治疗活动期和重型大动脉炎的疗效和安全性对比:一项随机、开放的、头对头研究
3527 PO894 张婷婷,温鸿雁,张晓英等 S15-免疫治疗分会场 阿巴西普治疗类风湿关节炎合并癫痫1例并文献复习
226 PO895 余献平,蒋华 S16-人工器官分会场 Case report of successful arteriovenous fistula creation in the lower limb in a patient with superior vena cava occlusion and failure of lower extremity’s arteriovenous graft
246 PO896 Shijie Ma,Wei Zhou,Wei Yang etc. S16-人工器官分会场 Study on the best tip indwelling position of tunneled cuffed catheter in femoral vein in emaciated patients
317 PO897 康宇薇,杨薇,马石杰等 S16-人工器官分会场 Effect of initiating low-frequency hemodialysis versus standard hemodialysis on residual renal function and the incidence of adverse events in newly admitted dialysis patients
330 PO898 杨薇,康宇薇,马石杰等 S16-人工器官分会场 Analysis of risk factors for catheter-related thrombosis in hemodialysis patients with temporary femoral vein catheterization
358 PO899 周薇,马石杰,杨薇等 S16-人工器官分会场 Effect of preoperative plasma osmolality on postoperative thrombosis in haemodialysis patients undergoing action endovenous fistuloplasty
975 PO900 金安婷,代庆刚,卞迁等 S16-人工器官分会场 ScRNA-Seq Reveals a Distinct Osteogenic Progenitor of Alveolar Bone
1342 PO901 应金萍,蔡根莲,周亚辉 S16-人工器官分会场 维持性血液透析患者早期衰弱风险预测模型的构建及应用研究
1519 PO902 方盼,张宏青 S16-人工器官分会场 新型腹透管路固定法有效预防腹透导管并发症:一项回顾性、病例对照研究
1833 PO903 叶慕尧,张磊,刘映红等 S16-人工器官分会场 单中心腹膜透析隧道感染的改良治疗方式
1899 PO904 向雯静,吴鹏 S16-人工器官分会场 基于大涡模拟方法的磁悬浮离心血泵CHVAD 与Heartmate Ⅲ流场及血液相容性能分析
2585 PO905 李可,刘娟娟,袁玉华 S16-人工器官分会场 HB-H-10树脂血液灌流治疗尿毒症实验研究
2741 PO906 冯平,刘大军 S16-人工器官分会场 结论:Gd-IgA1的水平可以反映病理严重程度,在IgA肾病的诊断价值较高,对于诊断具有一定的参考性。BAFF、APRIL、TLR9之间彼此正相关且与Gd-IgA1正相关。
2955 PO907 梁晓彤 S16-人工器官分会场 移植血管内瘘失功后改用上臂自体动静脉内瘘的1例护理体会
3481 PO908 高民 S16-人工器官分会场 针对锁骨下静脉狭窄维持性血透患者的肱动脉-颈内静脉的人工血管动静脉内瘘成形手术方案
3524 PO909 张跃 S16-人工器官分会场 Towards longer healthspan and wipping out diseases: a review and perspective facing humanoids (Organoids and Multi Organs-on-chip (MOoC))
3526 PO910 彭子洋,hong ren,lv yi S16-人工器官分会场 Research on lung cancer organoid model based on precision medicine
441 PO911 罗昱,石子轩,孙帮勇等 S17-医学检验工程分会场 集成样品制备和试剂预存储双重功能的PCR微管
1014 PO912 杨婧 S17-医学检验工程分会场 不同方法学检测结缔组织病患者抗双链DNA抗体的检出率及结果一致性分析
1088 PO913 佟靖雯,魏景洋,李曼曼等 S17-医学检验工程分会场 “医工结合”实验教学改革--以医学图像处理为例
1188 PO914 陈伟翔,殷人麟,凌琳等 S17-医学检验工程分会场 Relationship between C-reactive protein /albumin and coronary collateral circulation in patients with unstable angina pectoris
1969 PO915 胡红波 S17-医学检验工程分会场 核酸检测实验室设备检测校准情况分析
2037 PO916 王存利,杨一鸣,张航与等 S17-医学检验工程分会场 通过纳米孔中弹性多肽实现活性氧的精确检测
2262 PO917 程聿玄,陈峰 S17-医学检验工程分会场 Concentration response of pyrophosphate and inhibition of mineralization in high phosphorus body fluid environment
3380 PO918 朱丽青 S17-医学检验工程分会场 The use of melittin to enhance transgene expression mediated by recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 vectors both in vitro and in vivo
3435 PO919 代小青,王遵亮,蒋秋阳 S17-医学检验工程分会场 Automated sample injection module design for micro-droplet generation system in digital PCR
334 PO920 黄丹 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 高血压和糖尿病对心血管疾病人群影响的研究
793 PO921 孟强,田岚,刘国洋等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于EEGNet的客观音高感知预测方法研究
834 PO922 张里园,刘学超,李磊等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 Image Reconstruction Algorithm in Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Improved CNN-RBF model
1496 PO923 金文涛,刘勇,夏泽洋等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 Mechanical  Design of a Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Robot
1548 PO924 王蕾,张毅 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 热射病神经损伤的候选基因的分子调查和初步验证
1648 PO925 张玉良 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 医务人员线上指导精神病患者居家防控感染的实践
1756 PO926 吴双,张晓春,石波 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 心率变异性递归图定量参数与晚期非小细胞肺癌患者生存时间的关联
1842 PO927 兰琦,王子毅,王志浩等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 人体内环境中酒精的吸收代谢
1854 PO928 史妍,陈静,谢高生等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 Flexible Cylindrical Tactile Sensor Array for Endoscopy
2375 PO929 郭佳,陶春静,张晓会 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 用于脑卒中的上肢康复训练产品设计及其诱发的脑皮质激活模式: NIRS研究
2381 PO930 崔昊,肖文栋 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于毫米波雷达的人体步态检测方法
2386 PO931 刘园园,王淞 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 不同电子游戏对人体血压变化影响的建模分析
2448 PO932 徐刚,李少雄,温军玲等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 一种基于APP控制的穿戴式电刺激理疗贴的硬件电路设计与实现
2481 PO933 李慧,高明,周荣杰等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于文献计量学软件分析针灸预处理研究热点与趋势
2637 PO934 张波,来泳安,杨刚 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于STM32的室内空气质量监测系统设计
2642 PO935 郭雨林,高明,李慧等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 针灸诊治肌筋膜疼痛综合征研究的现状与趋势——基于CiteSpace和VOSviewer的可视化分析
2662 PO936 刘园园,刘闯 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 运动对不同BMI分级生理参数的影响
2668 PO937 刘宗鑫,刘园园 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 呼吸系统建模以及各种因素对呼吸系统的影响文献综述
2698 PO938 王利利,石波,张浩阳等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 低心率变异性提示胃癌患者总生存期差
2785 PO939 兰琦,刘园园,王子毅 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于小波变换与差分法的ECG和PPG的处理分析
2945 PO940 赵煜,李建超,陶春静等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 Research on Anaerobic Threshold Heart Rate Optimal Model in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Based on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test
3038 PO941 赵煜,李建超,陶春静等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于心肺运动实验的冠心病患者无氧阈心率优化模型研究
3042 PO942 王朋,张喜洋,王索刚 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 虚拟教室在诊疗注意力缺陷多动障碍儿童中的应用进展
3046 PO943 姚勇,杨华元,徐刚等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 针刺治疗对糖尿病大鼠视网膜血管内皮生长因子表达的影响
3076 PO944 陈锦 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 MEMS传感器在传感针中的应用
3077 PO945 宁笳雨 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 一种基于中医目诊的虹膜提取及分区算法
3159 PO946 刘园园 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 模拟低氧环境下的心率数据分析
3197 PO947 李小虎,刘佳伟,曹治东等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于图神经网络的跌倒事件预测方法研究
3210 PO948 刘园园,章子越 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 模拟低氧环境下人体心率信号的建模
3310 PO949 董国启,高慧,陈颖棋等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于VOSviewer和Citespace对中医药传感器应用可视化分析
3314 PO950 陈锦 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 艾灸场所气体检测系统
3344 PO951 刘新新,仲凤行,张启明 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于智能脚环对中医肝藏藏血功能失常的客观测评
3361 PO952 陈锦 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 一款传统艾灸辅助穴位仪
3373 PO953 段子越 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 音乐电疗仪的应用研究
3378 PO954 晁艺 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 艾灸器控烟的研发进展
3381 PO955 吴福杰 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 罐具应用负压原理技术研究进展
3415 PO956 段子越 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于机器学习构建预测脓毒症预后模型的分析
3429 PO957 刘浩 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 一种人体上肢康复机器人动作识别与控制位置反馈的设计
3452 PO958 李国翚 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 我国智能化医学设备产业的现状及发展思路
3489 PO959 颉奔 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 心肺运动试验(CPET)指导2型糖尿病患者个体化精准运动中的疗效
3507 PO960 周明,周金海 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 浅谈ChatGPT在中医药领域中的应用前景
3519 PO961 陈龙,陶春静,张晓会等 S18-健康感知评估与干预融合创新分会场 基于图像目标检测的fugl-meyer量表手部自动化评分方法
94 PO962 Dengzhi Wei Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies The Window Current Mechanism of Myocardial Protective Solution under Cardiopulmonary Bypass(体外循环分会)
209 PO963 Lin Lin,Wen Zeng Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Ultrasound-responsive multifunctional nanoplatform for real-time monitoring and programmed thrombolysis in clinical drug-resistant thrombi
349 PO964 Bo Zhang Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Rapid differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 variants on a nanotechnology enhanced DNA-chip
575 PO965 Xinrui Gui,Rongguo Yan,Tingting Shi etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Review on Near Infrared Spectroscopic Technology for Craniocerebral Injury
765 PO966 Xintong Yang,Yunning Wang,Yajun Liu etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies CT Images-Based Automatic Path Planning for Pedicle Screw Placement Incorporating Anatomical and Biomechanical Considerations
767 PO967 Yuehua Geng,Wenlu Xue Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Study on the detection of vertigo induced by GVS based on EEG signal feature binary classification
800 PO968 Xuezhen Xiao,Xiaojia Liu,Suzhen Huang etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Differential Diagnosis for Alzeimers Disease (AD) and Vascular Dementia(VD) Using Fast Period Visual Stimulation and Visual Oddball Paradigms
1741 PO969 Genlian Cai,MengYan PAN,YuanKai MU MU etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Incidence and Risk Factors of Sudden Death in Hemodialysis Patients: A Retrospective Study
1849 PO970 XIAOXI HOU,Yasuyuki Shiraishi,Tomoyuki Yambe etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies The Mechanical Properties of a Fresh Dissected Aorta in Goat as the Reference for the Pre-clinical Study of New Stent Therapeutics
2002 PO971 Lu Huang,Qingfeng Li Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Phenylacetylglutamine regulates macrophage polarization and causes a pathologic inflammation state through the ß2-adrenergic receptor /cAMP/PKA/NF-κB pathway in diabetes
2521 PO972 Jingyi Zhang,Fengming Tian,Tao Jiang etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcosis: MAC387, CD68, and MCP-1 Play an Important Role in Liver Inflammation and Fibrosis
2714 PO973 Bo Hu,Zongchao Yu,Tak-sui Wong etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Risk factors of repeated percutaneous transluminal angioplasty after the initial intervention in hemodialysis patients
2725 PO974 Bo Hu,Zongchao Yu,Tak-sui Wong etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies A modified partial graft excision surgery for treating localized arteriovenous graft infection of hemodialysis patients
2763 PO975 Xiufang Kong,Xiaojuan Dai,Lingying Ma etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies COVID-19 vaccine uptake, hesitancy and clinical effects on patients with Takayasu's arteritis: a web-based questionnaire survey from a large cohort
2821 PO976 Yi Chen,Xue Wu,Lijun Wu Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Correlations of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio with renal function and prognosis in patients with lupus nephritis
2839 PO977 Jing Wang,Yuanyuan Li,Hanchao Li etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies The rapid inhibition of B cell activation markers by belimumab was associated with disease control in the patients of systemic lupus erythematosus
2841 PO978 Hanchao Li,Yuanyuan Li,Jing Wang etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Association of the interferon signature with systemic lupus erythematosus disease control during belimumab treatment
2891 PO979 Honglin Zhu,muyao guo,Di liu etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Serum metabolomic profiling reveals potential biomarkers in systemic sclerosis
2996 PO980 Qishan Wang,Kaijian Fan,Hui Teng etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Mir204 and Mir211 suppress synovial inflammation and proliferation in rheumatoid arthritis by targeting SSRP1
3328 PO981 Jinbiao Ma,Jiahao Xu,Dehong Yang etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies A versatile tunable optical detection platform for high-throughput multimodal imaging of extracellular vesicles
3350 PO982 Sha Li,Weiwei Liu,Yibao Zhang etc. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies Stability Detection of MRI Radiotherapy Simulation System Based on A 3D-Printed Immobilization Model